Author: pweil

2013 Annual Tax Notice and Newsletter

December 2013

Tax Notice

First installment of your property tax bill or full payment (optional) is due on or before 5 working days after January 31, 2014.  For residents who want to pay their bills before the end of this year (2013), please note that all payments must be received (not postmarked) by December 31, 2013.


Checks are payable to the Town of Black Earth.  Tax bill and dog license payments need to be kept separate (two checks).  The following address will be used for mailing and in person collection:

Town of Black Earth
Brenda Kahl, Treasurer
5446 County Road F
Black Earth, WI 53515

There will be a mailbox provided near my front door if you wish to drop off your tax bill(s).


Residents who need a receipt should be sure to bring the entire bill, as the top portion will be marked “Paid” and returned as your receipt.  If mailing your payment, mail the entire bill and include a self-addressed stamped envelope so the top receipt can be mailed back to you.

Collection Hours

Taxes will be collected at my home on the following dates:

  • Saturday, December 28, from 9 a.m. to noon
  • Friday, January 31, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 

Dog License

Dog license fees are $10 per neutered male or spayed female, $15 per un-neutered male or un-spayed female, and $50 per multiple (kennel) dog license.  An additional $5 delinquent fee will be charge if the license is not paid prior to April 1st.  Licenses are for the calendar year.  When applying for a dog license you will need to furnish the following or a license will not be issued:

  • A completed application
  • Proof of rabies vaccination form from the vet
  • Payment in full payable to the Town of Black Earth
  • A self-addressed stamped envelope, if returning license by mail

Assessment Questions

If you have any questions about your assessment contact the Town’s assessor, Gardiner Appraisal Services, at 608-838-3993.

Transfer Site

The Town of Black Earth shares a transfer site, which residents may take their recyclables and garbage to.  A one year permit runs from January 1 – December 31.  Those who wish to purchase a permit for the first time should call the Town of Mazomanie at 795-2920.

Visit the Town’s website at

  • Ken Olson, Chairman, 767-2333
  •  Don Ripp, Supervisor, 767-3668
  • Tom Schlick, Supervisor, 795-2722
  • Joann  Bennett, Clerk, 767-3765
  • Brenda Kahl, Treasurer, 767-2822

Minutes for 9/3/2013

9/3/2013 Meeting Minutes

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:30 on 9/3/2013

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Brenda Kahl, Joann Bennett

 Public Present /Don Austin and Peter Weil

 Motion to approve agenda Don /Tom /All Aye

Motion to approve Minutes from 8/16/13 Don /Ken

Motion to approve Financial Report;

  1. Money Market $129,479.48 and checking $17,421.68 Tom / Ken /All Aye
  2. Checks Written in August #9660- #9676 Tom /Don / All Aye

Public Comment /None

Old Business

  1. Garage update discussion and possible action on any open issues /The building is done waiting for final approval from Building Inspector and discussion about moving records.
  2. Discussion and possible action on Zoning for Sub-standard lots and issues with DCZ Board /Brenda presented a spread sheet she is working on and the issue will be tabled until the work is done.  Don / Tom / All Aye

 New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action on appointing Steve Parrell to Planning Commission /Approve appointing Steve Parrell to the Planning Commission. Tom / Don /All Aye
  2. Discussion and possible action on Kevin Statz’s driveway and trees on Mahocker Rd/ Approval to write letters to both including legal action for Kevin Statz’s Driveway Tom / Don /All Aye
  3. Discussion and possible action on attending WTA Convention in October/ approval to attend conference for Don, Peter and Ken. Tom /Don / All Aye
  4. Discussion and possible action on e-mail guideline policy, Tom would like to add some wording to the policy and will bring it back for the next meeting. It will be tabled until then. Tom / Don / All Aye
  5. Discussion and possible action on re-zoning for Mickelson Trust Petition #DCPREZ-2103-10596 and Jasen Ayres’s re-zoning Petition #DCRPEZ-2103-10587. The Gaylord Mickelson Revocable Trust was approved with the 44 areas that are left remaining will be deed restricted to A1 exclusive Ag zoning and there will be no more splits for this property. Don / Tom / All Aye


Planning Commission Report / Nothing to report

Fire Department Report /We have a meeting on Thursday

District 1 EMS Report /Next meeting will be a week from Thursday

Patrolman Report / There are some washed out areas that need fixing, Allen will get a quote for the next meeting.  There was discussion on cutting the hillsides along the roadways next spring and renting equipment along with some of the other Towns in the area.

The next meeting is scheduled for Date; Oct 1, 2013       Time; 6:30

Motion to Adjourn at Time 8:10PM/ Don /Tom/ All Aye

Future Agenda Items/ Date to Rate roads, Apply for TRIPP Funds and increasing the budget for road repairs.

Joann Bennett, Clerk


Minutes for 10/29/2013

10/29/2013 Meeting Minutes for Budget Work Meeting

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:30 on 10/29/13

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Brenda Kahl, Joann Bennett

 Public Present /Peter Weil

 Motion to approve agenda /Don /Tom /All Aye

Public Comments /None

New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action on 2014 budget / Motion to Approve Budget for 2014 by Tom/Don/All Aye
  2. Set date for budget hearing / Set for November 12th Tom/ Don/All Aye  

Motion to Adjourn at 7:00 PM Tom/ Don/All Aye

Joann Bennett, Clerk


Minutes for 10/1/13

10/1/2013 Meeting Minutes

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:30 on 10/1/13

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Brenda Kahl, Joann Bennett, Don Ripp Absent

 Public Present/Kevin Kahl /Kendall Kahl, Mark Elworthy, Jeff Fancsali, Kevin Statz, and Peter Weil

 Motion to approve agenda Tom /Ken /All Aye

Motion to approve Minutes from 9/3 Tom /Ken /All Aye

Amount in Money Market Account $60,099.68 and in checking $22,666.14 Tom / Ken /All Aye September checks written #9677-# 9699 Tom /Ken / All Aye

Public Comments/Presentation of new entrance for High School by Jeff Fancsali and Mark Elworthy /They asked if the Town would consider widening Olson Rd in the future and there were questions and discussion

Old Business/ Discussion and possible action on E-mail policy /Tom made some changes and Ken made a motion to Table it until the November Meeting / second by Tom / All Aye

 New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action on the fence boarding Kahl’s Property/ Ken paid for the fencing due to an errors on how it was handled
  2. Discussion and possible action on Kevin Statz’s Driveway/ Kevin stated that he did not change his driveway after it was permitted, the snow plows from both the Town of Black Earth and Mazomanie turn around in his driveway and that is how the changes have occurred. He has also moved the cement along the road and will not be putting any more in the right away. Tom made a motion to dismiss any action on Kevin Statz’s driveway / Ken / All Aye
  3. Discussion and possible action on setting date for rating the roads/ Allen had already rated the roads and the future repairs/ a spread sheet was handed out covering a 5 year plan 2014-2018
  4. Discussion and possible action on the contract with Joint Fire district/Tabled until November Meeting Ken/ Tom /All Aye

Planning Commission Report / Brenda is continuing to work on the Spread sheet and has put in over 100 hours.  She will need some help with some pieces of property.

Fire Department Report /No report

District 1 EMS Report /Tom handed out the EMS Balance Sheet dated August 31, 2013 and discussed the purchase of a new (used) stretcher that is motorized.

Patrolman Report /Allen put up a Stop Sign and Road sign at Fosshage Rd, Tom told him to take down the road sigh that was spelled wrong and causing confusion with the one resident on the road that didn’t want to change all their records and legal papers. Allen removed the sign. He will need to get the hinges on the Mack fixed and buy some gravel to fix the shoulders along Reeve, Mahocker, and Fesenfeld Roads at a cost of $300.00 to $400.00. To get his name on the truck will be about $20.00. The garage loft is cleaned out and the old records can be moved over there at any time. Allen will create a list with tools that he needs for 2014 budget.

Brenda asked about our policy for cutting trees and Tom said we should have one.

The next meeting is scheduled for Date; 11/5/2013  Time; 6:30

Motion to Adjourn at Time 7:41 Tom/ Ken/All Aye

Future Agenda Items/ Talk about Olson Road with Mark Elworthy and Jeff Fancsali /Discussion and Possible action on Land Splits / Fire Department Budget and Contract / Sertzel trees on Mahocker Rd /Set time and date for Budget Meeting  / Discussion and possible action on appointment of a Vise Chairman for the Planning Commission

Joann Bennett, Clerk


Minutes for 11/19/2013

11/19/2013 Meeting Minutes

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:30 on 11/19/2013

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Brenda Kahl, Joann Bennett, Peter Weil and Steve Parrell

 Public Present /Paul Wilichowski, Judy and Dan Peterson, Barb Parrell

 Motion to approve agenda Tom /Don /All Aye

New Business

  1. Special meeting to review and discuss town sub-standard parcels /Tom stared by reading the present and past wording on splits for sub-standard parcels, discussion on the intent and how to move forward.  The Board asked Brenda to add to her list what parcels would be affected by the 1996 wording and what parcels would be affected by the 1981 wording.  Peter is looking into past approvals by the Dane County Board that where done after the 1996 wording. This will be tabled until the December meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for Date; 12/3/2013       Time; 6:30

Motion to Adjourn at 7:33PM Tom/ Don/All Aye

Future Agenda Items /Put on December meeting agenda to discuss this with more information from Brenda and Peter

Joann Bennett, Clerk


Minutes for Budget Hearing, 11/12/2013

11/12/2013 Budget Hearing Meeting

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:30 on 11/12/13

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Brenda Kahl, Joann Bennett

 Public Present/ Barb Parrell

 The purposed of the special meeting, per state statutes Section 82.03(2)(a) is to set the highway expenditures for 2014 and to adopt the proposed 2013 levy collectible in 2014 pursuant to Section 60.10(1)(a) of Wisconsin Statutes.

Tom motioned to approved highway expenditures at $43,000.00 /Don / All Aye

Tom motioned to approve 2014 Budget  of $240,980.00 and 2013 Levy at the same as 2012 /Don /All Aye

Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM motion by Tom / Ken / All Aye

Joann Bennett, Clerk


Board Minutes, 11-18-2013

11/18/2013 Meeting Minutes

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:55 on 1/18/2013

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Joann Bennett

 Public Present / Jean & Mike Mitchell, Peter Weil

 Motion to approve agenda /Don /Tom /All Aye

New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action on driveway permit for Jean & Michael Mitchell /Tom motioned to approve the driveway permit with the drawing on the CSM #3716 and with the entrance no  more than 50 feet from the north end of the field /Ken /All Aye

The next meeting is scheduled for Date; 11/19/2013       Time; 6:30

Motion to adjourn at 7:00 PM /Tom/ Ken/All Aye

Joann Bennett, Clerk

Board Minutes,11/5/2013

11/5/2013 Meeting Minutes

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:30 on

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Brenda Kahl, Joann Bennett

 Public Present /Jeff Fancsals and Mark Elworthy

 Motion to approve agenda Don /Tom /All Aye

Motion to approve Minutes from 10/1/13 & 10/29/13 Tom /Ken /All Aye

Amounts in Money Market Account $ 51,618.75 and in checking $ 19,177.80 Ken/ Tom/All Aye

October checks written #9700-# 9717 tom/Don/All Aye

Public Comments /Discussion on widening Olsen Road for a second exist and if that was a safe suggestion, Mark brought maps and answered questions, they will get back to us when plan are further along and approved by the DOT

Old Business /E-mail policy/ Discussion and approval of policy/Tom /Ken /Don Abstained  

New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action on Sertzel trees on Mahocker Rd /They did not attend the meeting so Tom and Allen will go out and see if they can talk to them.
  2. Discussion and possible action on widening Olson Road/ Discussed under Public Comment Section
  3. Discussion and possible action on appointment of a Vise Chairman for the Planning Commission /Peter suggested Brian Nelson, Peter will talk to him/ Tabled until Dec Tom/Don/All Aye
  4. Discussion and possible action on moving forward with Dane County Zoning about splits /Brenda handed out what she has done and compared it with the 2009 map/ there will be a special meeting on 11/19 with the board to work on some of the questions she has.
  5. Discussion and possible action on the Joint Fire Department Contract and budget Tom moved to eliminate board wages from the Fire Department Contract and that it should be  worded like the EMS Contract, also that the bi-annual appointment remain as annual appointments, and that Section 8.6 wording should read purchases exceeding $1,000.00 need approval from the Chairman in the event of an emergency Tom/ Ken/All Aye
  6. Discussion and possible action on the bids for bridge repair in 2014 /a second bid was gotten by Allen it came to $60,125.00 ($24,000.00 each for Sutcliff Rd and Reeve Rd and $12,125.00 for Olson Rd)/ He will try to get another bid
  7. Discussion and possible action on the Senate Bill #349 / This bill is going back to be      re-worked and was table until we hear more Tom/Ken /Ally Aye

Planning Commission Report /Peter and Tom met at site with Mitchell’s and took pictures  /Next Meeting on 11/18/13 for their driveway permit

Fire Department Report /Nothing to report

District 1 EMS Report /Meeting next Thursday

Patrolman Report /Doors and track will need to be replaced on shed, working on breaking up old salt, discussion about renting a bobcat, discussion on old signs that need to be recycled

The next meeting is scheduled for Date; 12/3/2013 at 6:30

Motion to Adjourn at 8:50 Don/Tom/All Aye

Future Agenda Items /Planning Commission Vise Chairman, List of Elector Inspectors for 2014 /Letter to go out with tax bills

Joann Bennett, Clerk