11/18/2013 Meeting Minutes
Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI
Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:55 on 1/18/2013
Proof of Posting / Yes
Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Joann Bennett
Public Present / Jean & Mike Mitchell, Peter Weil
Motion to approve agenda /Don /Tom /All Aye
New Business
- Discussion and possible action on driveway permit for Jean & Michael Mitchell /Tom motioned to approve the driveway permit with the drawing on the CSM #3716 and with the entrance no more than 50 feet from the north end of the field /Ken /All Aye
The next meeting is scheduled for Date; 11/19/2013 Time; 6:30
Motion to adjourn at 7:00 PM /Tom/ Ken/All Aye
Joann Bennett, Clerk