Town Board Meeting: Monday, December 6 at 6:30pm

The Town of Black Earth’s regular board meeting will be held on MONDAY, December 6, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

This meeting will be held at 1116 Mills Street.

Barb Parrell, Clerk

Posted November 30, 2010


  1. Meeting called to order.
  2. Proof of posting.
  3. November minutes.
  4. Treasurer’s report.
  5. Public Portion.
  6. Deputy Longley from Sheriff’s Department.
  7. Discussion and possible action on combining the town truck loan and the new fire department squad truck into one loan at lower interest rate.
  8. Update on town web site.
  9. Discussion of posting town meeting notices and content on web site.
  10. Disbursements electronic payments and checks  8819-8840 and e pays.
  11. Planning Commission report.
  12. Good Neighbor Committee report.
  13. Fire Department.
  14. District 1 EMS report.
  15. Patrolman Report.
  16. Adjourned.

We need to set a date for the Town Caucus in January.