Caucus was called to order by Ken Olson.
Present were Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Tom Schlick, Brenda Kahl, Barb Parrell, Don Austin, Gerald Kerl, Peter Weil, Tom and Joann Bennett, Kenyon Kahl, Brian Nelson, Bruce Johnson, John Halverson, Bill Pulvermacher.
Town Chairman – Ken Olson was nominated by Don Austin, seconded Tom Schlick, approved on a unanimous ballot. Ken Olson abstained
Town Supervisor 1 – Tom Schlick was nominated by Don Ripp, seconded by Peter Weil and approved on a unanimous ballot. Tom Schlick abstained.
Town Supervisor 2 – Don Ripp was nominated by Don Austin seconded by Tom Schlick and approved on a unanimous ballot. Don Ripp abstained.
Town Treasurer – Brenda Kahl was nominated by Barb Parrell, seconded by Kenyon Kahl and approved on a unanimous ballot. Brenda abstained
Town Clerk – Barb Parrell is retiring. Joann Bennett was nominated by Barb Parrell, seconded by Tom Schlick approved on a unanimous ballot. Joann abstained.
The Caucus was closed on a motion by Tom and seconded by Don Ripp.