
Board Minutes, 11-18-2013

11/18/2013 Meeting Minutes

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:55 on 1/18/2013

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Joann Bennett

 Public Present / Jean & Mike Mitchell, Peter Weil

 Motion to approve agenda /Don /Tom /All Aye

New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action on driveway permit for Jean & Michael Mitchell /Tom motioned to approve the driveway permit with the drawing on the CSM #3716 and with the entrance no  more than 50 feet from the north end of the field /Ken /All Aye

The next meeting is scheduled for Date; 11/19/2013       Time; 6:30

Motion to adjourn at 7:00 PM /Tom/ Ken/All Aye

Joann Bennett, Clerk

Board Minutes,11/5/2013

11/5/2013 Meeting Minutes

Black Earth Town Board Meeting at 1116 Mill St, Black Earth, WI

Ken Olson, Chairman called the meeting to Order at 6:30 on

Proof of Posting / Yes

 Members Present/ Tom Schlick, Ken Olson, Don Ripp, Brenda Kahl, Joann Bennett

 Public Present /Jeff Fancsals and Mark Elworthy

 Motion to approve agenda Don /Tom /All Aye

Motion to approve Minutes from 10/1/13 & 10/29/13 Tom /Ken /All Aye

Amounts in Money Market Account $ 51,618.75 and in checking $ 19,177.80 Ken/ Tom/All Aye

October checks written #9700-# 9717 tom/Don/All Aye

Public Comments /Discussion on widening Olsen Road for a second exist and if that was a safe suggestion, Mark brought maps and answered questions, they will get back to us when plan are further along and approved by the DOT

Old Business /E-mail policy/ Discussion and approval of policy/Tom /Ken /Don Abstained  

New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action on Sertzel trees on Mahocker Rd /They did not attend the meeting so Tom and Allen will go out and see if they can talk to them.
  2. Discussion and possible action on widening Olson Road/ Discussed under Public Comment Section
  3. Discussion and possible action on appointment of a Vise Chairman for the Planning Commission /Peter suggested Brian Nelson, Peter will talk to him/ Tabled until Dec Tom/Don/All Aye
  4. Discussion and possible action on moving forward with Dane County Zoning about splits /Brenda handed out what she has done and compared it with the 2009 map/ there will be a special meeting on 11/19 with the board to work on some of the questions she has.
  5. Discussion and possible action on the Joint Fire Department Contract and budget Tom moved to eliminate board wages from the Fire Department Contract and that it should be  worded like the EMS Contract, also that the bi-annual appointment remain as annual appointments, and that Section 8.6 wording should read purchases exceeding $1,000.00 need approval from the Chairman in the event of an emergency Tom/ Ken/All Aye
  6. Discussion and possible action on the bids for bridge repair in 2014 /a second bid was gotten by Allen it came to $60,125.00 ($24,000.00 each for Sutcliff Rd and Reeve Rd and $12,125.00 for Olson Rd)/ He will try to get another bid
  7. Discussion and possible action on the Senate Bill #349 / This bill is going back to be      re-worked and was table until we hear more Tom/Ken /Ally Aye

Planning Commission Report /Peter and Tom met at site with Mitchell’s and took pictures  /Next Meeting on 11/18/13 for their driveway permit

Fire Department Report /Nothing to report

District 1 EMS Report /Meeting next Thursday

Patrolman Report /Doors and track will need to be replaced on shed, working on breaking up old salt, discussion about renting a bobcat, discussion on old signs that need to be recycled

The next meeting is scheduled for Date; 12/3/2013 at 6:30

Motion to Adjourn at 8:50 Don/Tom/All Aye

Future Agenda Items /Planning Commission Vise Chairman, List of Elector Inspectors for 2014 /Letter to go out with tax bills

Joann Bennett, Clerk