Author: pweil

Plan Commission Meeting, February 17

Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: 1030 Mills Street Black Earth WI, the meetings are held in the Bank’s basement

Agenda for Feb. 17


Minutes from the February 17, 2015 meeting.

The meeting was held Tuesday February 17th 2015, in the lower level of 1030 Mills St. Black Earth WI.

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Weil.

Members in attendance: Peter Weil, Don Ripp, Bruce Johnson, Steve Parrell, Tony Danz

Proof of posting was provided.

Motion Ripp/Parrell to approve the Agenda   Carried 5-0

Motion Parrell/Johnson for approval of the Minutes from the January 27, 2015 meeting.

Carried 5-0

No Public comments.

Discussion/Action on review and revision of Land Use section of the Town’s comp plan. The term Dwelling Units is now used throughout the document. Discussion on proposal to change the acceptable slope, and discouraging any approvals when a more desirable site exists. (12-20 % slopes). The commission would like to see the document with the changes at the next meeting before recommending it to the Board.

Motion Ripp/Danz to table the review the permits and approval processes. Carried 5-0

There were no future items added.

Motion Parrell/Johnson to adjourn     Carried 5-0

Board Meeting on February 3

Date: February 3, 2015
Time: 6:30pm
Location: The basement of the Bank located at 1030 Mills St. Black Earth WI

Agenda for February 3

Minutes of the Town of Black Earth Board meeting

Meeting held February 3, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of 1030 Mills St. Black Earth WI.

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Town Chair Vern Wendt.

Members in attendance: Vern Wendt, Don Ripp, Tom Schlick, Brenda Kahl and Dayna Dreis

Motion Schlick/Ripp to approve the agenda after combining items 7 and 8   Carried 3-0

Motion Ripp/Wendt to approve the minutes from Jan 6, 2015 with the spelling correction to Item 12.     Carried 3-0

Motion Schlick/Wendt to accept the financial reports     Carried 3-0

Money Market account – $442,860.80

Checking – 6,581.33

  1. Checks written for January bills 10069 – 10097

Public Comments. Mr. Paul Wilichowski asked about progress on the issue of substandard parcels. He was informed that this would be covered in the Planning commission’s report.

Motion Schlick/Ripp to approve the rezone and driveway permit of the Mickelson Rev. Trust Carried 3-0

-The rezone of existing RH-3 lot to A-Ex1 and the rezone of 16.83 acres to RH-4. The driveway permit is for the lot being rezoned A-Ex1. Buyer to Be was given an explanation as to why a driveway permit was need for the farm road to the rezoned A-Ex1 field.

Motion Wendt/Schlick to name Patrolman Al Schroeder as the agent to issue permits for the new Husbandry Ordinance passed on January 6th 2015.

Motion Schlick/Ripp to table the item dealing with Seasonal Weight limit signs to allow Patrolman Schroeder to get pricing for signs. Carried 3-0

The signs need their own posted. We are required to post all roads.

Motion Ripp/Wendt to accept the Agreement with the Black Earth Joint Fire Dept.

Carried 2-1

Motion Schlick/Wendt to table Review and Updating of permits until the Planning Commission has reviewed and sent recommendation.   Carried 3-0

Planning Commission Report. From Chairman Weil the Planning Commission will be reviewing the Land Use Plan and working on wording that is acceptable and consistent with the County.

Also Chairman Weil asked that the board works on filling the vacancy on the Planning Commission.

Joint Fire Department Report. Mitch Hodson was reelected Chief. There was a $4000.00 carry over. And they are looking at an estimated 6000.00 in remodeling and upkeep.   The department had only one (1) Mutual Aid run. Dane Comm. Has been come to a halt. Recommends holding payment when it comes in.

EMS Report. They had 306 EMS call last year. 19 lower than budgeted for. Also reports the halt of Dane Comm. In the future they may need to look at the reality of the financial impact of an aging population as Medicare has a set reimbursement for ambulance runs. Currently the levy allows for 4.95/person. There were no Friday/Saturday night accidents in 2014.

Patrolman’s report. Tree cutting is underway. Al purchased and repaired the Ford’s actuator.

Also requested approval to replace a mailbox supposedly damaged by the plow. It was agreed to continue replacing mail boxes damaged by Town’s plows and make sure they meet Postal regulations when replaced.


Future Items:

Motion Schlick/Ripp to Adjourn. Carried 3-0   Meeting adjourned 7:30 p.m.

Plan Commission Meeting on January 27

Notice is hereby given for a Planning Commission meeting on
Tuesday, January 27th, 2015 at 6:30 pm at 1030 Mills Street Black Earth WI.

Agenda for January 27


Minutes: Town of Black Earth Planning Commission meeting

Date: January 27, 2015
Time: 6:30pm
Location: 1030 Mills St. Black Earth WI

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by chair Peter Weil

Members in attendance Peter Weil, Don Ripp, Steve Parrell, Bruce Johnson, Chuck Bruhn, Tony Danz

  1. Proof of posting was provided
  2. Motion Johnson/Bruhn to approve the agenda     Carried 6-0
  3. Motion Ripp/Johnson to approve minutes from August 2014   Carried 6-0

Motion Ripp /Parrell to approve the minutes from the December 2014 meeting   Carried 6-0

5 .There were no public comments

  1. Mickelson Rev. Trust rezone driveway site visit. The proposed A-EX1 was visited by Peter Weil and Don Ripp and theowner to be. They found the site for the field road acceptable and there is no need for a culvert.

Don went back to the site after the snow was gone and confirmed waiving the culvert.

Motion Weil/Ripp: Based on the site visit and conversation between Don Ripp and the” buyer to be” the commission recommends accepting the site for the field road And that site be able to waive the culvert requirement.  Carried 6-0

  1. Discussion/Action on the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Planning Commission.

Motion Weil/Johnson to table until next month.   Carried 6-0

Discussion on proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan. The commission will explore:

Changing the % of slope for building sites but keeping the 10% grade for drives.

Changing and creating a consistent term for developable locations.

Amending to remove confusing or obsolete language.

The Procedure to amend existing Plan and the timelines involved

  1. Future Items:

Dawson Driveway Permit – outstanding request

Review and Update of all permit forms

  1. Motion Parrell/Weil to Adjourn     carried 5-0 (Danz left earlier)

Meeting Adjourned at 8:28pm

Town Caucus to be held on Monday, January 6

The Town Caucus for the Spring 2015 elections will be held on Monday, January 6 at 6:15pm, in the basement of the State Bank of Cross Plains, 1030 Mills Street, Black Earth.

Official Caucus Notice (PDF)

What is a caucus?

According to the Wisconsin Caucus Manual, published by the General Accountability Board:

The caucus is a method that may be used by towns and villages for nominating candidates to be placed on the Spring Election ballot. The caucus is open to the public, but only qualified electors of the municipality may nominate and vote for candidates. A person is not required to be a registered voter in order to participate in the caucus. A caucus cannot be used for nominating candidates for the office of Town Sanitary District Commissioner. Nomination papers must be used by Town Sanitary Districts.

Any person who is a United States citizen, 18 years of age or older, who has resided within the municipality for at least 28 days before the caucus is a qualified elector. The voter list from a previous election may be used as an aid in determining if a person qualified as an elector in the municipality at the last election. Any person whose name does not appear on the voter list may be asked to provide some form of identification that lists the person’s name, current address, and if necessary, date of birth.

There is no spring primary for town or village offices when the caucus system is used. However, there may still be a February primary conducted within the town or village for state, county or school district candidates.

Town Board Meeting, January 6

Date: January 6, 2015
Time: 6:30 p.m. To immediately follow 6:15 Caucus
Location: 1030 Mills St. Black Earth WI 53515 **Please note new location

Agenda (PDF)


1.Meeting was called to order at 6:43pm by Chair Vern Wendt, following the Spring Election Caucus.

Members in attendance: Vern Wendt, Don Ripp, Tom Schlick, Brenda Kahl, Dayna Dreis

  1. Proof of Posting was provided
  2. Motion Schlick/Ripp to accept the agenda.   Carried 3-0
  3. Motion Schlick/Ripp to accept the minutes of December 2, 2014 meeting. Carried 3-0
  4. a. Treasurer Kahl reports balances of: Money Market: 714,377.12

Checking: 10,382.76

Motion Schlick/Wendt to accept the checks numbering 10038 -10068. Carried 3-0

There were no Public comments.

Vern Wendt thanked Dan Peterson for chairing the Caucus.

  1. Motion Schlick/Ripp to table action on Mickleson Rev. Trust rezone until the planning

Commission has had a chance to do a site visit for driveway. Carried 3-0

  1. Don Ripp gave a report from the Dane County Towns Assoc. meeting in December.

Items and Information brought back:

  • Since its creation in 1928 there have been virtually no updates to the Zoning Rules.
  • Throughout the State there are locations where Townships do their own zoning.
  • Most of Dane County has no voice on the zoning commission.
  • Dane County Zoning Commission has a 1 million dollar budget
  • New wording features should be completed in 2016. There will be “Opt out”

Options in 2017, 2020, 2023 (three year intervals)

  1. Motion Ripp/Schlick to accept the proposed Husbandry Ordinance and name an agent

that will issue permits in the near future. Carried 3-0

  1. Motion Wendt/Schlick to explore a shared sand/salt facility Carried 3-0

Discussion on a shared salt/sand facility with the Village of Black Earth was held.

  • Vern Wendt brought to the board the possibility of sharing our salt/sand shed

with the Village, they are currently having to purchase and pick up salt/sand

and do not have a viable location within the Village.

  • The option of the Village weighing each truckload as a way of keeping accurate

accounting of usage was presented.

  • Patrolman Schroeder provided the following information:

The Village used about 36 tons/yr.

The Town’s shed holds 200 tons but could hold up to 300 tons

We pay for salt/sand upon receipt.


  • Any action wouldn’t take effect until next year as this year’s arrangements are in place.
  1. Motion Schlick/Ripp to change Rezone application to include driveway. Carried 3-0
  1. Planning Commission report: Commission met on December 15th to discuss Mickelson

Rev. Trust rezone. Also the new Resource Protection Corridor maps where available for

Review. Chairman Weil asked board to consider action to fill vacant seat on the board.

The seat has been vacant since August.

  1. The Fire department meeting is January 15th
  2. The EMS will meet is January 8th
  3. Patrolman Al Schroeder reports all equipment is working well. He is working with the Town of Berry patrolman cutting trees.
  1. Future items:

-Appoint agent to approve and issue Seasonal Permits that come from the new Husbandry


-Create an agreement with the Village of Black Earth for a shared salt/sand facility.

-Putting up Seasonal Limit road signs

-Discuss how we can help the Planning commission to move application through the

process more efficiently.

  1. Motion Ripp/Schlick to adjourn. Carried 3-0

Meeting adjourned at 7:12





Notice Of Spring Election Town Of Black Earth April 7, 2015

Notice is hereby given that an election to be held in the Town of Black Earth, on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, the following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed. All terms are for two years beginning on Tuesday, April 21, 2015.

Town Board Chair
Incumbent: Vern Wendt

Town Board Supervisor 1
Incumbent: Don Ripp

Town Board Supervisor 2
Incumbent: Thomas Schlick

Town Clerk
Incumbent: Barb Parrell

Town Treasurer
Incumbent: Brenda Kahl

Notice is further given, that a town caucus for the purpose of nominating candidates to appear on the spring election ballot for the above listed offices will be scheduled during the month of December. The caucus will be held on a date not sooner than January 6, 2015 and not later than January 27, 2015. Notice of the scheduled date of the caucus will be given at least five days before the caucus.

Done in the Town of Black Earth on November 20, 2014

Barb Parrell, Clerk
Posted: 11/20/14