Request for Bids for 2013 Road Improvements

Please bid each item/project separately, giving a guaranteed maximum price, with unit prices stated for labor, equipment and material.

  • Turkey Road, 0.30 miles of wedging shoulder as needed, .25 miles of shouldering
  • Blackberry Road, 0.25 miles of overlaying shoulder
  • Mahocker Road, 1.04 miles of wedging shoulder as needed
  • Misty Valley Road, 0.30 miles of wedging shoulder as needed

The Town reserves the right to award projects by individual roads to separate bidders, or to award all road projects to one bidder or any combination thereof. The Town also reserves the right to refuse any or all bids and or reject the low bid for cause. Please contact the Town Patrolman at 608-576-5402 or the Town Chair at 608-767-2333 for further information and specifications. Send bids to the Town of Black Earth at 5335 Reeve Rd, Mazomanie, WI 53560 or to by 8:00 AM, May 27, 2013. Bids will be opened at 8:00 AM, May 29, 2013 and accepted bids will be awarded at the regular Town Board meeting on June 4, 2013.

Published: 5/15/2013;
Posted 5/15/2013
Joann Bennett, Clerk