Month: December 2012

Planning Commission will meet on January 8

Notice is hereby given for a Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, January 8 , 2013 at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held at 1116 Mills Street, Black Earth.

Agenda: Discussion and possible action on vacating a small section of John Wilkinson Road in front of William Hanson’s property, (formally Jerry Reeve). We need to vacate and rededicate a small portion because the curve was changed slightly when the road was upgraded.

Official Notice (PDF)

Town Caucus scheduled for January 8



January 8, 2013, 6:15 p.m.

Notice is hereby given for the election of Town Officers on April 2, 2013.

Town Chairman – for a two year term -incumbent Ken Olson

Town Supervisor 1 – for a two year term – incumbent Tom Schlick

Town Supervisor 2 – for a two year term – incumbent Don Ripp

Town Treasurer – for a two year term -incumbent Brenda Kahl

Town Clerk – for a two year term -incumbent Barb Parrell

A CAUCUS will be held on Tuesday January 8, 2013 at 6:15 p.m. The purpose of the caucus is to nominate persons for the ballot. This meeting will be held at 1116 Mills Street, Black Earth, WI 53515

Barb Parrell Clerk Posted December 17, 2012 Published December 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013

Tax Notice, December 2012

Town of Black Earth Tax Notice, December 2012

First installment of your property tax bill or full payment (optional) is due on or before 5 working days after January 31, 2013.  For residents who want to pay their bills before the end of this year (2012), please note that all payments must be received (not postmarked) by December 31, 2012.


Checks are payable to the Town of Black Earth.  Tax bill and dog license payments need to be kept separate (two checks).  The following address will be used for mailing and in person collection:

Town of Black Earth
Brenda Kahl, Treasurer
5446 County Road F
Black Earth, WI 53515

There will be a mailbox provided near my front door if you wish to drop off your tax bill(s).


Residents who need a receipt should be sure to bring the entire bill, as the top portion will be marked “Paid” and returned as your receipt.  If mailing your payment, mail the entire bill and include a self-addressed stamped envelope so the top receipt can be mailed back to you.

Collection Hours

Taxes will be collected at my home on the following dates, or by appointment:
Saturday, December 29, from 9 a.m. to noon
Thursday, January 31, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Dog License

Dog license fees are $10 per neutered male or spayed female, $15 per un-neutered male or un-spayed female, and $50 per multiple (kennel) dog license.  An additional $5 delinquent fee will be charge if the license is not paid prior to April 1st.  Licenses are for the calendar year.  When applying for a dog license you will need to furnish the following or a license will not be issued:

  • A completed application form (Dog License Application Form)
  • Proof of rabies vaccination form from the vet
  • Payment in full payable to the Town of Black Earth
  • A self-addressed stamped envelope

Assessment Questions

If you have any questions about your assessment contact the Town’s assessor, Gardiner Appraisal Services, at 608-838-3993.

Transfer Site

The Town of Black Earth shares a transfer site with 2 other townships.  The township residents may take their recyclables and garbage to the site.  A one year permit runs from January 1 – December 31.  Those who wish to purchase a permit for the first time should call the Town of Mazomanie at 795-2920.

  • Ken Olson, Chairman, 767-2333
  • Tom Schlick, Supervisor, 795-2722
  • Don Ripp, Supervisor, 767-3668
  • Barb Parell, Clerk, 767-2447
  • Brenda Kahl, Treasurer, 767-28227