Tuesday 05 December 2023

Town Board Meeting

Town of Black Earth
Town Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
6:30 PM

The meeting will be held in the lower level of the Breunig Accounting
building, located at 1116 Mills St., Black Earth, WI.


1.       Call to Order. 

2.       Proof of Posting. 

3.       Approval of the Agenda.

4.       Minutes of Previous Meeting – November 7, 2023.

5.       Comments by Town residents – non-agenda items.

6.       Financial Report:

a.  Money Market:                              Checking:
b.  Approval of checks written.     

7.       Plan Commission – commission member appointment.

8.       Patrolman’s Report.

9.       Appoint election officials – 2024-2025.

10.    Broadband internet service – update.

11.    Omitted property tax bill – update.

12.    EMS Board Report.       

13.    Fire Board Report.

14.    Discussion of future agenda items.

15.    Adjourn. 

All agenda items are posted for discussion and possible action by the body.  Public comment might be invited on any agenda item presented. 

Stephanie Zwettler, Town Clerk
Agenda 12/5/23

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