Tuesday 02 July 2024

Notice of Board of Review Hearing

Town of Black Earth
Board of Review
Notice for Objection Hearings
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
6:30 PM

The Board of Review for the Town of Black Earth, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and agenda for its upcoming public meeting on July 2, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the lower level of the Breunig Accounting building, located at 1116 Mills, St., Black Earth, WI.



1.  Call Board of Review to order.

2.  Roll Call.

3.  Confirmation of Board of Review notice.

4.  Approval of Minutes from previous Board of Review meeting – May 7, 2024.

5.  Objection Hearings.

6.  Board of Review deliberations and roll call vote on each objection heard.

7.  Provide Notice of BOR Determination form to objectors who are present and/or direct clerk to
provide notices via certified mail.

8.  Schedule future BOR meetings as needed.

9.  Adjourn.


Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals. Persons requiring additional services to participate in a public meeting should contact the Town Clerk – 608-444-6425, townofblackearthclerk@gmail.com.


Stephanie Zwettler, Town Clerk
Notice of Board of Review Hearing 7/2/24

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